Rose- Care and Handling

- Upon receiving roses either process immediately or store in a 34˚ to 36˚ F cooler with 75% relative humidity until they can be processed. It is preferable to process flowers immediately upon arrival.
- Prepare a nonmetallic container mixed with Floralife® flower food solution (Floralife Crystal Clear® or Rose food solution). Remember that measurement of flower food is critical. Under- or overdosed flower food will result in a reduction in vase life. Buckets should be cleaned with Floralife® D.C.D.® cleaner to prevent bacteria growth in the buckets that could clog stems and prevent proper hydration. It’s best to hydrate flowers in cold water to reduce bud opening. Warm water can be used if you wish to open buds faster.
- Remove the wrapper and any foliage that will be below the solution level. Pour Floralife® Quick Dip 100 instant hydrating treatment into a small container that is at least 2 inches high. Make a fresh cut at least 2 inches from the bottom of the stem with a clean cutting tool. A knife or a cutter is fine as long as it’s CLEAN and SHARP.
- Dip the stems for at least 2 seconds in Floralife® Quick Dip 100 and place immediately into flower food solution. The quick dip increases uptake of the flower food while keeping the stem free flowing to guarantee maximum hydration.
- To prevent premature opening, place flowers in a cooler immediately after processing. Flowers will fully hydrate in a cooler in 4 to 6 hours so leaving the flowers out to hydrate should not be done if the goal is to keep buds tight until they are ready for sale.
- Remember when designing in a vase to once again remove any foliage under the water line. Foliage under the solution line can encourage bacterial growth.
- Always remember to include a packet of flower food with the arrangement and encourage your customer to mix the product properly.
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