Hydration of Fresh Flowers

Flowers contain a waterway system (xylem) consisting of capillaries. These capillaries act like straws that carry water and nutrients to the vital areas of the flower. This important process is called "Hydration."
There are two main reasons why the hydration process might be interrupted:
- These capillaries can become blocked and plugged. This can slow or impede hydration, which can result in the acceleration of flower death.
- Another way the waterway can be impeded is when a flower is placed in a "stressed" environment, causing air blockage. Some examples of these causes are extreme heat, lack of water and other shocks to the flower's system.
Some advantages of using these products are listed below:
- Prevention of bent-neck and wilting in roses:
- Decreased wilting in cut field crops.
Some flowers that would normally be considered shrink can now be salvaged:
- By lowering the pH of the water, the water uptake through the capillaries will be increased. An increase in uptake will hydrate the flower and eliminate a water stressed flower.
- The addition of chemicals that prevent blockage in the flower will help keep the capillaries free flowing.
- Water stressed flowers will increase their ethylene production.

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