Botanical Name: Dendrobium spp.
Common Name: Dendrobium Orchid
Pronunciation: den-DRO-bee-um
Family: Orchidaceae
Origin: Native to Asia, Australia and the Pacific Islands

Buying Tips: Purchase sprays that have the majority of the florets developed. Look for turgid flowers that are free of discoloration, spotting and brown tips.
Processing: Unpack immediately. Recut under clean water and process with a Floralife hydration solution according to label directions (Floralife® HydraFlor® 100 or Floralife® Quick Dip 100). Place in a Floralife flower food solution.
Temperature: Dendrobium orchids are chill sensitive and should be stored at temperatures above 55˚ F / 12.8˚ C with 80 - 90% humidity.
Limp, droopy sprays
Can be caused by stem plugging / blockage causing a hydration problem. Recut stems under clean water and use a Floralife® hydration solution followed by a Floralife fresh flower food solution.
Florets are transparent, have dry patches or are discolored
Chilling injury or ethylene gas damage. Store at temperatures above 55˚ F / 12.8˚ C.
Floret abscission (drop)
Treat with EthylBloc™ Technology