Botanical Name: Chrysanthemum spp. (Dendranthema spp.)
Common Names: Football Mum, Cremon Mum, Fuji Mum
Pronunciation: Kris-AN-Thee-Mum
Family: Asteraceae
Origin: South Africa and South America

Buying Tips: Avoid stems with yellowing leaves as this is an indication of improper storage / or growing conditions.
Processing: Unpack immediately. Remove foliage below solution level and recut stems. Use one of Floralife's hydration products (Hydraflor® 100 or Floralife® Quick Dip) to promote solution uptake and hydration. This treatment will help increase bud opening, decrease flower wilting, bent neck and also helps keep flower stems free flowing.
Storage: Place flower stems in a clean bucket of solution and keep them treated during transport or storage until it is time to prepare them for consumer sales. Add additional solution as needed. Change out bucket solution at least once per week and use clean buckets prior to filling with new solution. Keep in cooler at 34 - 38˚ F / 75 - 85% humidity.
Vase Life: 7 - 21 days.
Ethylene Sensitivity: Low ethylene sensitivity.