Botanical Names: Aster ericoides
Family: Asteraceae or Compositae
Origin: Native to Eastern United States, ME to GA and TX
Pronunciation: A-ster e-ri-KOI-deez

Processing: Unpack immediately. Remove foliage below solution level. Recut stems.
Pretreatment: Place stems in Floralife® HydraFlor® 100 hydrating treatment for ½ -1 hour or use Floralife® Quick Dip 100 instant hydrating treatment. If already treated with an anti-ethylene product, such as EthylBloc™ Technology. You can use Floralife® HydraFlor® 100 hydrating treatment for ½ to 1 hour at room temperature, depending on variety. HydraFlor® 100 hydrating treatment encourages water uptake and ensures proper hydration, so they quickly become firm and stems remain free flowing. Alternatively, treat with Floralife® Quick Dip 100 hydrating treatment under normal conditions. This one second dip helps to increase water uptake for all flowers. Using one of Floralife’s hydration pretreatments can help prevent dehydration of aster.
Holding Solution: Use fresh flower food at the recommended rate: Use Flower Food 300, 200, Clear 200, or Clear ULTRA 200 storage and transport treatments, or depending on water test results, Special Blend 300 for Hard Water or for Pure Water.
Ethylene Sensitivity: Low ethylene sensitivity.
Vase Life: 8 to 12 days.
Storage: 34 - 36˚ F cooler / 75 - 85% humidity.
Blackening of stems
Excessive storage can be a cause for this problem. Try to purchase cultivars that are less prone to this problem.